full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Britt Wray: How climate change affects your mental health

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So an oft-cited study shows that, on average, having one less child in an ieadlitszrunid noaitn can save about 59 tons of cbaorn dioxide per year. While in comparison, living car-free sveas nearly 2.5 tons, avoiding a transatlantic flight — and this is just one — saves about 1.5 tons, and eating a plant-based diet can save almost one ton per year. And consider that a Bangladeshi clihd only adds 56 mritec tons of carbon to their parents' carbon legacy over their ltefimie, while an American child, in comparison, adds 9,441 to theirs. So this is why some people argue that it's parents from nations with huge carbon footprints who should think the hardest about how many kids they have.

Open Cloze

So an oft-cited study shows that, on average, having one less child in an ______________ ______ can save about 59 tons of ______ dioxide per year. While in comparison, living car-free _____ nearly 2.5 tons, avoiding a transatlantic flight — and this is just one — saves about 1.5 tons, and eating a plant-based diet can save almost one ton per year. And consider that a Bangladeshi _____ only adds 56 ______ tons of carbon to their parents' carbon legacy over their ________, while an American child, in comparison, adds 9,441 to theirs. So this is why some people argue that it's parents from nations with huge carbon footprints who should think the hardest about how many kids they have.


  1. child
  2. nation
  3. industrialized
  4. metric
  5. carbon
  6. lifetime
  7. saves

Original Text

So an oft-cited study shows that, on average, having one less child in an industrialized nation can save about 59 tons of carbon dioxide per year. While in comparison, living car-free saves nearly 2.5 tons, avoiding a transatlantic flight — and this is just one — saves about 1.5 tons, and eating a plant-based diet can save almost one ton per year. And consider that a Bangladeshi child only adds 56 metric tons of carbon to their parents' carbon legacy over their lifetime, while an American child, in comparison, adds 9,441 to theirs. So this is why some people argue that it's parents from nations with huge carbon footprints who should think the hardest about how many kids they have.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
climate change 6
climate crisis 3
psychological impacts 2

Important Words

  1. adds
  2. american
  3. argue
  4. average
  5. avoiding
  6. bangladeshi
  7. carbon
  8. child
  9. comparison
  10. diet
  11. dioxide
  12. eating
  13. flight
  14. footprints
  15. hardest
  16. huge
  17. industrialized
  18. kids
  19. legacy
  20. lifetime
  21. living
  22. metric
  23. nation
  24. nations
  25. parents
  26. people
  27. save
  28. saves
  29. shows
  30. study
  31. ton
  32. tons
  33. transatlantic
  34. year